Thursday, November 19, 2009

Scandinavian Countries

Scandinavian countries include Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, and Denmark. Scandinavia is located in Europe It is located above the rest of Europe. It is in the north eastern most part of Europe. The absolute location of Norway is 10°north latitude and 65°east longitude. Scandinavian countries have a unique physical geography because of glaciers and volcanoes.
The Scandinavian countries have a unique physical geography. There are many different landforms. All throughout the coastline there are fjords that jut into the coastline. There are hundreds of lakes in Scandinavia. Most of Scandinavia is a sub arctic climate.
The volcanoes and glaciers of Scandinavia help give it a unique geography. There are over 100 volcanoes in Scandinavia. At least 20 of these volcanoes erupt every year. The glaciers that are in Scandinavia help create some unique landforms like hanging valleys. Hanging valleys are valleys that have been eroded by a glacier.

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